Peningo Systems, Inc.

Resume of Candidate: PEN-53

Rate: email us at for rate information

Hyperion Planning and EssbaseConsultant


Specialist in the integration of data warehousing technology for accounting and financial management systems.  Incorporates subject matter expertise,
project experience, advanced technical abilities, and superior communication skills to create financial reporting and analysis systems

Accounting Process - Installed positive change in financial management processes in the areas of; accounting, consolidations, budgeting, allocations,
risk management, tax, multi currency, GAAP and statutory reporting needs.  

Technology - Implemented client-server database technology solutions in the areas of General Ledger ERP Systems and Data Warehousing to produce
customer, product and organizational profitability analytical systems.  Highly skilled in data modeling, extraction and transformation processing, reporting
and analysis.  Experienced in developing multidimensional data models that support Data Warehouses.  Proficient in developing Business Intelligence
applications that support on demand analysis and reporting.  

Project Management - Experienced with all phases of the Ascendant methodology.  Responsible for project billing, client relationships, business
development project phase and task management, project estimation and post implementation quality review.  Assisted clients in the analysis, design,
construction, implementation phases.  Utilized Ascendant Project Management and Data Warehousing Methodologies to assure the project completion
on time and under budget.


OLAP Software:  Hyperion System 9,  Essbase Analytics, MaxL and Esscmd,  Essbase Administration Services and Essbase Application Manager; Essbase
Integration Services, Business Intelligence + BI+ Financial Reporting/Hyperion Reports,  BI+ Interactive Reporting/Brio/Hyperion Intelligence, BI+
Production Reporting/SQR, BI+ Web Analysis/Hyperion Analyzer;  Hyperion Planning,  Hyperion Enterprise, Hyperion Financial Management, Hyperion
Pillar; Oracle Explorer, Oracle Financial Analyzer, Business Objects, Crystal Reports, Cognos' Transformer, PowerPlay, Impromptu & Visualizer,  
General Ledger: Oracle G/L, PeopleSoft G/L & EPM, GEAC General Ledger, Computer Associates, Lawson
RDBMs: Oracle 9i, PL SQL, Sybase, MS SQL Server 2000, Transact SQL, Erwin, Designer 2000
Extraction & Transform:  Informatica, ETI* Extract, Data Stage
Operating Systems:  Windows, Windows NT, MS/PC DOS, Novell, Unix, TCP/IP, FTP, autosys
PC Software:  Java, Powerbuilder, Foxpro for Windows, Clipper, dBASE III+, MS Access, Lotus 1-2-3, Excel


3/2008 - Present

Developed a financial data model to support their Data Warehousing and Financial Reporting needs.  An Essbase Source cube was created to permit the
reconciliation of sub ledger balances to source system detail stored in the Data Warehouse.  The Source cube was fed by an hourly update of an Essbase
Integration Services data mart. A relational data model enhanced the existing operational data store to permit drill thru to relational querying in Essbase
Interactive Reporting and Excel Add-in client

3/2006 - 3/2008

Conducted on-site and classroom based training on the Hyperion suite of products.  Assisted clients in the installation, configuration, design and
implementation of the Hyperion System 9 Essbase multidimensional database and the report, dashboards that enabled query and analysis on this

Hyperion System 9 Essbase Analytics

Block Storage Option - To speed data retrieval by pre-calculating and storing aggregates.  
Aggregate Storage Option  - To handle large dimensions containing over 1 million members.  
Essbase Excel Add-in - To enable analysts to create their own reports and queries.  
Visual Basic ToolKit - To automate user interfacing.  
MaxL and Esscmd - To create night batch scripts to execute dimension build and data load rules.  
Essbase Administration Services and Essbase Application Manager - To provide a multidimensional database administration and development

Business Intelligence +

BI+ Financial Reporting - Hyperion Reports - To develop advanced reporting and data processing including report book and batch scheduling.  
BI+ Interactive Reporting - Brio - Hyperion Intelligence - To provide intuitive user-directed query and analysis capabilities  by means of a highly
interactive interface that lets users design their own dashboards.  
BI+ Production Reporting - SQR - To develop SQL based language, supplemented with advanced reporting and data processing capabilities.  
BI+ Web Analysis - Analyzer- To implement out-of-the-box online analytical processing (OLAP) analysis, presentation, and reporting.  
Performance Scorecard - To display key performance indicators.


Hyperion Planning - To present a web-based planning, budgeting and forecasting solutiondriven by business rules.  
Hyperion Enterprise - To rapidly install a packaged application that improves departmental financial consolidation and reporting.
Hyperion Financial Management - To deploy a web-based financial systems software application built to be owned and maintained by the enterprise's
finance team.  
Hyperion Pillar - To distribute budgeting, project and capital planning, sales forecasting, compensation planning, reporting and analysis capabilities.  

Extraction, Transformation, Loading ETL

Hyperion System 9 Master Data Management - To enable non-technical users to directly manage change in master data, while controlling the process and
enforcing business rules.  
Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management - To reduce the data integrity risks associated with collecting, mapping, verifying and moving critical
financial data.  
Integration Services - To design a metadata-driven environment in order to integrate analysis built on Essbase Analytics with detailed data stored in
relational databases.  

12/2006 to 4/2007

Created an Essbase cube to contain Budget (Current View), ledger actuals from 4 different sources as well as statistics and headcount. These elements
comprised the essentials for monthly reporting in this newly created entity (Verizon Services Organization). Essbase 7.1.6

4/2006 to 11/2006

Assisted in the accounting restatement of FIN 46 and FAS115 that was mandated by the auditors.  Constructed a solution that was used to analyze the
variances and understand the impact of the very complex change in the rules for journalizing the transactions into the restated ledger.  the project
processed 236,000 Cusips and 2.8 MM Lots in an Aggregate Storage Option cube ASO.  Essbase 7.1.5

8/2005 to 4/2006

Constructed a data warehousing solution for the assembling and verification of the financial tables in the Annual Reports and  Quarterly Press
Releases.   This involved collecting a small volume of highly volatile data from source systems as well as the PeopleSoft G/L and Budgeting modules.   A
workflow was created for the automation of sign-offs for compliance with Sarbannes-Oxley.  Hyperion Essbase 7.1.3, Hyperion Reports, Hyperion
Analyzer, Hyperion Intelligence 8, PeopleSoft EPM

6/2002 to 11/2004

Provided for Statutory and GAAP Reporting through the creation of 14 Essbase OLAP cubes.  Single-handedly installed, designed, implemented and
integrated Essbase Analysis Services to fulfill client analysis and reporting needs.  Designed innovative uses for Essbase to perform reconciliation of
various databases, in order to facilitate error diagnosis and remediation for Sarbanes Oxley requirements.  Installed Essbase 7.1 in both NT and Unix
architectures.  Hands-on created an on-demand reporting environment by attaching Hyperion Business Intelligence (Brio) to the cubes and creating a
dimension navigation GUI interface.  Devised 'drill thru' to relational database detail that retained the criterion from the cube navigation and produced
detail rows that summated into the aggregate displayed from the cube.  Conducted training in classroom, as well as one-on-one basis.  Programmed the
calc scripts in MAXL required for the nightly refresh.  Utilized ASO to efficiently utilize hardware storage requirements.  Programmed SQL data load and
dimension build rules into Oracle, PeopleSoft and MS SQL Server databases.

3/1997 to 2/2002

Responsible as a Principal of the Financial Management Solutions Data Warehousing Practice for external client billable project work, including project
management, project sizing estimation, and project quality reviews.  Internal responsibilities included solution set development, business development,
vendor relationships, staff recruiting and hands-on development.

Financial Data Warehousing - Performed business analysis and design for the Data Warehousing needs of client companies.  Modeled data marts utilizing
the Star Schema Technique.  Constructed data extraction and transformation procedures to obtain operational data from RDbMS data stores.  Analyzed
performance measures to fit the reporting needs of the company.  Created data mart cubes in many OLAP Engines to permit multi-dimensional cross-
sectioning and drill down analysis.  Implemented G/L’s and accounting engines to assure synchronization of source systems with financials and
reporting.  Teamed with Cognos to deploy PowerPlay Cube and Visualizer Dashboard demonstrations for addressing Procurement Data Mart analytical
needs.  A web based deployment enabled Internet based demonstrations.

Project Manager

Assisted the client in the creation of a PeopleSoft General Ledger integrated with the firm’s Data Warehouse via the Kimball methodology.  Proved the
concept of an innovative Accounting Engine method in Informatica for applying the accounting rules to business events in the Data Warehouse and
posting to the G/L.  Assisted in the implementation of a PeopleSoft G/L. Re-designed the Chart of Accounts (COA) into a new ‘thin G/L’ chart of accounts,
complete with mapping to two old charts of accounts.

Team Leader

Project Manager of a staff of four in the development of client-server Data Warehousing Technologies for the Financial Division.  The Financial Data
Warehouse provided analytical capabilities into the GEAC General Ledger data in the areas of P&L, Balance Sheet Consolidations, Investment in
Subsidiaries, Statutory Reporting and GAAP.  Essbase,  Sybase System 11.

3/1993 to 3/1997

Directed a staff of eight in the development of PC, client-server and mainframe systems for the Financial Division.  Created a global financial database,
which received feeds from many overseas general ledgers and reported monthly financial results.  Consolidated global budget data for use by the Global
Operating Committee in the budget approval and review process.  Automated journalization processes into the Computer Associates General Ledger in
the areas of Balance Sheet Consolidations and GAAP Eliminations.  Produced an allocations system that utilized statistical feeds to fully cost P&L for
Product Profitability measurement.  

2/1983 to 3/1993

Developed a trader's workstation system for performing research into Emerging Markets Equities.  

Created multi-user applications for the Group Retirement Plans Division to serve the reporting needs for the administration of 401(k), 403(b)(7) and other
tax-free investment plans.

Served as a consultant to the Board of Managing Directors on topics of Human Resources management concern.  Constructed Year-End Bonus,
International Compensation, Insider Trading, and Executive Incentive decision making systems.
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